About Us

Our treatments are progressively holistic, using the latest science and research provided by formulators who are passionate about finding the cause of skin conditions and premature aging while focusing on the body as a whole.

The skin can be nourished from the inside and the outside, neglecting both will eventually become evident on the outside.

Therefore, Beyond Skin Deep’s approach is two-fold:

Nourish the skin, our bodies largest organ, with safe products that are results-driven and free of toxins.

Secondly, nurture from the inside by providing a special time to relax, eliciting the relaxation response and reducing stress.  Stress adds to inflammation which contributes to many skin conditions and it reduces healing time.  Diet and the environment also contribute to the condition of the skin.
Providing alternatives to invasive procedures and toxic ingredients is the first step in creating a healthy body and enhancing your skin’s natural beauty.


My journey in skin care began after years of struggling with an undiagnosed skin condition on my face. I am happy to say progress is being made with the help of Osmosis Skin Care products! One day I hope to help people all over the world who struggle with the same condition or other skin conditions while assisting in aging gracefully. Helping people with their skin is a passion because I know first hand how our skin affects self esteem.  Let’s look and feel our best!  Lynell